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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MARIGOLD spices 30
MATESHWARI spices 30
MEERA spices 30
MEHAK quality spices +flowe 35
MERA KAKA spices +circles 30
MHK quality spices +ovals 29
MITTAL spices 30
MJ GOLD spices 30
MJ SILVER spices 30
MODI spices +squares 30
MRC gold spices 30
MUKTA food & spices 30
MUNSHI PANNA spices 30
MUSKAN spices +food 30
N-S spices +oval 30
NANDHINI spices 30, 31
NEW SURBHI spices 31
NEW SURUCHI spices 30
NICE DAY foods spices +plan 29
NITIN brand spices 30
NM spices +chillies & oval 30
NM AGRO fresh spices 30
NT GOLD spices +oval 30
OFM RUCHI spices +oval 30
OLYVA spices 3
ONKAR TRUTHFULL spices +ova 30
OSCAR tea & spices 30
PANIHARI spices 30
PANSARI spices 30
PARAKH spices +ovals 30
PARAS GOLD spices 30
PARV spices +squares spiral 30
PASCO spices & herbs +farme 30
PERFECT extra spices 30
PISE spices +square 30
PRATAP spices +man & oval 30
QUARTZ spices turmeric 30
RAJKAMAL spices +flower 30
RAMA kirana & spices 30
RAVI spices 30
REAL spices +oval 30
RELIANCE spices 42
RELIANCE herbs N spices 42
RESHAM LALJI'S spices 30
RISHAV spices +ribbon 30
RL ROYAL LINK spices +oval 30
ROUPAL'S spices +fruit 30
RUBI GOLD spices +oval 30
RUBY spices +crown 30
S.K. BRAND spices 30
S.K.S. spices 30
S2S spices pure & tasty 30
SACCHA MOTI spices +chef 31
SAFARI whole spices 30
SALIGRAM spices +woman 30
SASUJI spices PR +woman 30
SATLUJ spices 30
SAYLI spices 30
SEEMA ground spices AMIT 30
SHAHI KING spices +crown 30
SHALIMAR'S popular spices 3, 30
SHETHJI spices +family 31
SHIV spices 3
SHRI NATHJI spices +oval 30
SHRIJI spices 30
SIDHANT 1008 brand spices 29
SIRI kirana & spices 30
SIXTY ONE spices +circle 30
SONA spices +circle & eye 30
SONA CHANDI spices 30
SP spices +oval & ribbon 30
SPOON spices +spoon & ovals 30
SPUNK spices +star 30
SREEMA spices +chef 30
SRIMATI spices 30
SSP QUALITY spices 30
SUDHA spices +god 30, 35
SUN QUEEN spices jeera 30
SURDAS spices +god 30
SURYA EKTA spices SMC 30
SURYA KIRAN spices +sun ova 30
SUS GOLD spices 31
SWAD spices +chef 30
SWAD pure spices +chef 30
SWAMI spices haldi powder 30
THARA food & spices 30
THARA pure indian spices 30
TISTA spices powder 30
TOP-OP fresh spices 30
TOTOZ spices 30
UDHAIYAM spices 30
UPKAR spices 30
URSA spices 30
VANDEVI 551 spices 30
VATAN spices +globe 30
VATIKA spices good taste 30
VEGIT spices & curry powder 30
VIRAT spices +hand & oval 30
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